05 Apr

              Let me just start by saying I love my son very very much. However, I honestly dont know if I am going to make it through this whole terrible two thing! Aiden has always been a wonderful baby boy but it seems like every since he turned two everything has been out of control! I cant turn my head for two seconds or theres ravioli or God knows what all over the place!

        Does it ever end? Is there light at the end of the tunnel? And the bad thing is my fiance (Aidens father) always has to be the bad guy because I simply cant bring myself to discipline him. Its not that I dont want to teach Aiden right from wrong, its just that hes my baby and I hate to get after him because it breaks his heart and then breaks mine!

        I cant help but wonder at what age do children start to learn right from wrong? Is it too early to say at the age of 2? I dont know but Im hoping that he starts to learn soon because Im barely hanging on to my sanity! Anyone who has any advice feel free to comment, I promise you it will be greatly appreciated! Heres to hopeing that there is no such thing as terreble threes!



Posted by on April 5, 2011 in Uncategorized


4 responses to “TERRIBLE TWOS!!!!!

  1. Elisa

    April 5, 2011 at 5:01 pm

    The light for me started at the end of the 3’s 😉 I have four kids. Two have made it past the terribles, 1 is in it and 1 is almost there LOL!

    I’m following.

    • tiffniestyles88

      April 5, 2011 at 10:08 pm

      oh boy so not only do i have to finish out this year like this but next year too?! guess its time to put my big girl panties on!

  2. Melissa Sankey

    April 6, 2011 at 12:11 pm

    Oh the terrible two’s… hated them with my daughter- until we reached (what I call) the “Holy F@%# Three’s! Now entering the terrible two’s with my son… oh, the joys of toddlerism at its finest.

    Good luck mama.

    • tiffniestyles88

      April 6, 2011 at 4:16 pm

      thank you! I guess Im strapped in to ride out the three’s! thanks for reading!


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